ComPAS Reports


1. Behavioural Instability Report (Anyone)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Several million people who are suffering from mental health concerns this year alone. Add the adverse psychological and biological effects of chronic, pervasive and persistent stress to the baseline prevalence of any mental disorder (19%) or serious mental illness (5%) and we should expect — and prepare for — a surge in suicides, depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety disorders and problems with alcohol and drug use.

ComPAS Now Assessment has come out with a solution, an online assessment program to view the situation in an individual and provide remedial action. The tool will measure 12 important unhealthy parameters in an individual, that can affect the life and career, including, prone to depression, prone to fear and anxiety, procrastination etc… .


  • Assess everyone's mental health
  • Get corrective measures like Counseling, Psychotherapy, Training

2. Co-Scholastic skill report (Anyone)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

It is a wonderful proposition for the student community to accomplish much more from their hidden talents. It comes with lot of unique values for students / school / parents / teachers,
There are 50 skills under three major sections (Thinking skills, Social Skills and Emotional Skills.) Each major section is further divided into sub-sections / competencies. Thinking skill is divided into Self Awareness, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking. Social Skill is divided into Interpersonal Skill, Effective Communication and Empathy. Emotional Skill is divided into Managing Emotions and Dealing With Stress. This is done by identifying and assessing the personal traits & competencies of an individual by measuring the thought patterns in various aspects. Apart from the Co-scholastic norms, the tool goes further into the top competencies of a student, Strengths in General, Tips for Enhancing Efficiency, Suggested Training and VAK Analysis.


  • The school management: to get the co-scholastic score scientifically measured and merge it with the observation from the teacher about a student and use it for development & training
  • Teachers: to understand how well they can take care of the students and communicate to them effectively.
  • Parents: to understand in what direction the child is moving and plan the career options.
  • Students: to understand their best learning styles, the strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Objective Assessment. A teacher can be subjective in assessment

3. Career Analysis (School students)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

This report will explain in detail, the career path of the student with respect to his/her skill sets, multiple career options, strengths in general, what career / future studies need to be avoided, top competencies, VAK Analysis The report measures the innate qualities of the students, match the skills with hundreds of jobs in the market and reveal the best career options. Based on the interest now the students can choose a career /higher studies


  • Measure the innate qualities of the students
  • Match the skills with hundreds of jobs in the market and reveal the best career options.
  • Choose the right career based on the competencies rather than subject knowledge
  • Careers that need to be avoided because same careers will not fit for everyone
  • Identify the top competencies
  • Understand the best learning preferences

4. Behaviour Analysis (Anyone)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

The report explains the Personality Behaviour of the individual. Everyone will have some high scores and some low scores as some of the patterns are opposite in nature and they cannot co-exist in the same degree. The characteristics included are descriptions of core behaviour in personality which the individual exhibits in general. They may or may not have a direct impact on the specific job to be considered.


  • Understand the basic thinking patterns of the individual
  • Help to provide detailed career counseling
  • Understand the left / right brain orientation

5. Know Your Teacher (KYT - Teacher Development)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Teachers are not just to disseminate information to students but create and sustain a culture of learning, take the student through the best learning experiences, motivate them, identify and develop the talents in them, lead them, communicate to them powerfully, positively influence them and direct them to the right career for performance excellence.
No one is perfect. Each teacher will have the competencies in varying degree. The test will measure and reveal what needs to improve in each teacher. The tool will measure 10 MUST competencies according to ISCO (International Standard Classification Of Occupation). Based on the Gap analysis, focused training can be provided to teachers. It can also be used as a recruitment tool that each teacher can undergo this test before appointing so that it will reduce the training cost.


  • Map 10 MUST competencies as per international standard
  • Easy to transfer the teachers between different cultures and countries since the international standard is maintained.
  • Support the professional growth and development of teachers
  • provide useful feedback to teachers to maximize opportunities for all the students.
  • Protect students from incompetent teachers

6. Employability Profiling (Engg / MBA / Degree students)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Due to lack of awareness of personal Strengths & weaknesses and incomplete information about the core competencies required for different job profiles, thousands of graduates land in wrong jobs where they cannot perform well
Report can help the students avoid ending up in the wrong courses or jobs and guide them to make appropriate choices depending on their capabilities and skills as needed by the corporate. According to the survey conducted by world bank in India across 20 industries, it is shown that, "Indian engineering students are neither creative nor good at problem solving and hence fail to get jobs in the competitive global market. Companies are looking for High Order Skills such as critical thinking and problem solving" 20% of the students may get the placement easily. What about the other huge mass of students? Institutions can help 80% of the students by providing competency mapping and proper career direction. Students whose competencies are assessed stand a good chance to get the right job and sustain in the job.


  • Map competencies as per world bank recommendations.
  • Guide students to make the right choice based on skill sets
  • Rate the top 10 careers as per branch of studies.
  • Build better resume with the skills scientifically measured
  • Get placement easily .
  • Attend competency based interview easily

7. Specialization selection ( MBA students)

Sample MBA Branch Selection Report

Sample Engineering Report

Report Explanation

What specialization one will choose when joining for MBA ? Most of the time students decide the career based on market trends and salary scale and the life skill is not taken into consideration while deciding the higher studies, even though it plays an important role in life and career. It is always advisable to choose the specialization according to the skill set one has so that s/he can always perform well while enjoying the career.
Report helps MBA students to identify the best branch of studies by analyzing their skills against the competency requirement for each branch and suggest the best studies and also the top jobs one can excel based on the skills in the respective MBA


  • Map competencies needed for management jobs.
  • Guide students to make the right choice for specialization selection
  • Rate the top 10 careers as per branch of studies.
  • Build better resume with the skills scientifically measured
  • Get placement easily .
  • Attend competency based interview easily

8. Competency Insight report ( Corporate staff / Job seekers)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Every job needs certain competencies and it varies from job to job. Companies hire candidates with great expectation after tedious rounds of interview and written test etc…However, most often in the real scenario , employees are not able to perform well due to the mismatch of the competencies. This will affect in the productivity and end up in high staff turn over, friction between the employer and the employee and non-scientific training procedures.
With the competency insight report companies will be able to set the competencies based on the JD and then map it to identify the right candidate for recruitment or for employee development purpose. It also helps you to build the competency database of the employees irrespective of the location


  • Map specific competencies as needed for each job based on JD (Job Description).
  • Provide focused and effective training through multi-level TNA (Training Need Analysis)
  • Reduce Training Cost through right-hiring.
  • Put in place, a new, competency based hiring strategy easily and cost effectively
  • Build competency Database of employees across the company.
  • Easy management of campus hiring

9. Sales competency Analysis ( Corporate staff)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

In order to have a sales person doing all functionalities in sales, S/he must have minimum 30 competencies and this is not possible to have all these competencies in one person. So the sales team can be divided into mltiple layers. They are Pre-sales, sales closing, Accoun Manager and post sales. Competency requirement for each layer can be defined and check the skill sets of a person against each layer to determine where s/he can be the best fit. In order to create a successful business model, we need to create multiple layers of sales force. For. E.g., some may be good in creating a network of people and create verbal rapport but may not be able to negotiate and close the sales. Such people can be placed in pre sales activities.
If someone is able to give good presentation and negotiate well but may not be able to create a network of people , s/he can be placed in closing sales etc.. So, layering of the team is very important for business success. Each member in the team will be assessed on the relevant competencies in each layer.


  • Align / re-align the sales staff to the right layer.
  • Increase Productivity
  • Better Control.
  • Committed sales team
  • Achieve sales target
  • High performance and low staff turn over

10. Leadership report( Corporate staff / Job Seekers)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. Being a leader means defining and exhibiting moral and ethical courage and setting an example for everyone in the company. Being a leader helps you teach leadership skills to your employees, who will then help do the “heavy lifting” of moving the company from where it is today to where it needs to be in the future.
Leadership is an instrumental factor in an organisation’s failure or success. Research has shown that the quality of leadership can account for at least 30 percent of a company’s bottom line. There are different leadership styles. Different styles are needed for different situation / industry for performance success. Top 15 leadership skill mapping: The report will measure the innate qualities and then map the general competencies as a leader. You will get a detailed explanation of each leadership traits


  • Analyse 15 leadership styles.
  • Compare all your leadership skills in a chart as a summary to see where is your best fit leadership
  • Category of your leadership with the world famous leader of your style.
  • A recommendation in which sector your best leadership skills can be used.
  • Assess 60 unique Leadership competencies
  • High performance and low staff turn over

11. Special caution report ( Corporate Management)

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Identifies 12 behaviors in a person such as procrastination, over confused, prone to anxiety and fear etc.., which can disturb the productivity of an individual and can be unhealthy to the organization. This is a negative report about a person on how his/her attitude may affect the work place
If the score is above a significant level, corrective measures to be taken to reduce the impact of such people in the team, because such a person can damage the whole team synergy


  • Analyse 12 unhealthy traits in a person for corrective measures.
  • Help to be careful while assigning critial work to employees
  • Help to protect team synergy from members who negatively influence the work environment

12. Nurse / Healthcare staff Assessment

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Best nursing and nurses are the expectation of every patient and the hospital. Sometimes it is also a matter of life and death. Incompetent nurses can create havoc which leads to dangerous situations. ComPAS Now has come out with a unique assessment report to measure the MUST 10 competencies of the nurses such as Helping attitude, patient friendly, time management, effective communication, systematic approach, process compliance, assertiveness, etc.


  • Map 10 MUST competencies for Health staff.
  • Deploy the best staff in the life critical situations
  • Save life of people

13. Pilot / Aviation Staff Assessment

Sample Report

Report Explanation

IATA (International Air Travel Association) has recommended 20+ competencies that are a MUST for the Pilots for smooth running of the flights and other managerial functionalities. ComPAS Now Assessment tool measures the competencies, as per the recommendations of IATA. The competencies are grouped into 2 categories such as a) Mental abilities b) Operational competencies c) Psychomotor tasks d) Strategic Competencies e) Management competencies and f) Social competencies Apart from the above competencies, the tool can also assess the aptitude test and technical test for pilots. The test can be used as a competency assessment tool by Aviation recruiting agencies & Aviation companies for recruitments and gap analysis for Training and Development of Pilots.


14. Police Force Assessment Report

Sample Report

Report Explanation

Appropriate competencies shall be set for each police department and the test is conducted. Based on the behaviour competencies of the individual, the report will analyse the best-fit department for each police personnel like Community policing / investigation / cyber cell etc . This can be used in police recruitment, police training centers and also for the departmental transfers. Score summary can be developed to maintain the competencies record of the police force.


  • Map competencies needed for various police department.
  • Place the right person in the right department
  • Avoid performance issues

ComPAS Now Assessment and Training Services Pvt. Ltd
Bangalore – 560 043
Call / WhatsApp +91-9035111136 / 9900910429,