How it works…
- School register with ComPAS Now Assessment
- An account will be created for each school and furnish the details in the test taking page.
- School can send a template to each student informing about the test
- Students will login to ComPAS Site and select the school name to take the test. Without the school name listed in the site they wont be able to take the test
- School will be provided the admin login ID and password to monitor the test details and generate the report.
- School logo can be provided in the report
Student: Each participant can understand the emerging competencies , strengths and weaknesses. Each student will receive a competency analysis report and a participation certificate
Parents: Understand the emerging patterns , strengths & weaknesses of the child, Stop saying to the children ,“I want you to be a ….”
Teachers: Understand how to communicate to each student, know who to teach in what way to help the student learn faster and better. (Through VAK analysis )
School Management: Consolidated report containing the scores of each student (scientifically measured). Identify preferred learning styles of the students to enhance students’ learning experiences.
Medals and prices for Toppers
There are 10 categories for toppers which will be given in the national level, state level and school level as follows:
- Self awareness
- Problem solving
- Decision making
- Critical thinking
- Creative thinking
- Interpersonal relationship
- Effective communication
- Empathy
- Managing emotions
- Dealing with stress
Why Competency Assessments
ICA methodology is ingenuously simple yet stimulating. On completion of the test ( purely an online test), a comprehensive report would be made available to each participant, based on the individual skill set.
Left & Right brain analysis: While the academic studies reveal only the left brain capabilities, ICA will analyse and reveal both the left & right brain capabilities. In fact the right brain is more powerful.
Future talents: Identify the talents in each student and help to sharpen it for the future . It will also help to choose the BEST career based on the skills. Additional reports can also be availed from the same test.
Preparations: No preparations needed as the questions are asked from life situations as per the age group
Build confidence in the student: A student with the clear understanding of the skills and self awareness creates more confidence and momentum. ICO motivate students to aspire and strive for better and emerge out to be the best.
According to many surveys conducted in India and abroad, employers are looking for RIGHT attitudes and competencies more than the aptitude and subject knowledge. If you do not have the right competencies, you may fail to apply the knowledge in the work place successfully. For e.g., If a person with high academic records in MBA - Sales & Marketing, does not have communication skill, customer focus, negotiating skills, follow up and other required skills, s/he can be a failure in the sales & marketing job. On the other hand, a person having normal Degree with these competencies will be more successful than that of the MBA graduate in such scenario.
No one is good in everything… No one is bad in everything… Everyone is good in something. Identifying that something that matters for life and career ahead
How Unique ?
ICA does not measure the subject knowledge or the aptitude of a student as these skills are secondary to life skills.
Not based on Limited patterns
Many of the tools are based on a concept called DISC (Dominance, Inducement, Submission and Compliance ) or multiple intelligences (Rhythmic / musical, Visual, Verbal, Logical, Bodily kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, existential, Naturalistic) . These tools will measure limited patterns and will give a 30-40 pages generic report about a person.
For e.g., if a person is good in communication, it may say that the person can take up a job in teaching, sales, public relation, judiciary as a lawyer etc.. However, we know that just because a person is good in communication, it doesn’t mean that he can be a good sales person or a good teacher. In order to become a good sales person, s/he must have other skills such as negotiating skill, sales closure skill, follow up, time management, presentation skill etc. Similarly a Teacher must have other competencies such as helping attitude, student facilitation, research skill, co-ordination, curriculum planning etc., in order to be a successful teacher.
Not Based on aptitude and subject knowledge
There are tools that do the career analysis based on subject knowledge / numerical ability and English knowledge of a person. Please note that a person fails in a job not due to subject knowledge, but the inability to apply the knowledge in the work place. If anyone do not have the subject knowledge it can be acquired through subject/technical training, provided the person has the right competency to learn. However, getting the right behavioural competency to do a job is not easy.
Take an example of an IAS officer. S/he has proved that s/he is very good in academics and aptitude that is why that person could successfully complete IAS. However, in the real work scenario, s/he may have problem with behavioural competencies.
Not Based on interest
The interest of a student can vary from time to time based on many external factors and cannot depend on that. By seeing TV ads etc., a student may develop an interest to become a pilot due to the pompous life style and chance to travel around the world. However, what matters is, whether s/he has the competencies to become a pilot.
ComPAS Now measures the internal reality of a student through a large number of traits, combine some of the traits to form the competencies in the right mix, check these competencies against thousands of pre-defined job profile competencies based on the industry requirements and bring out the best career options and higher study choices.
Job options are printed based on the competencies exhibited by the student. And then, based on the family back ground and situation, together with the help of a career counselor, students and parents can arrive at the right career choice.
ComPAS Tools
ComPAS Now™ uses the tool named NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).
Neuro: Our nervous system through which our brain receives and processes information leading to learning and creativity.
Linguistic: Language and non-verbal communication systems through which we communicate with ourselves and others leading to self-expression.
Programming: The ability to modify our mental programming and change the behavior to achieve specific desired goals and results.
The originators of NLP, namely, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, at the University of Santa Cruz, began exploring how really effective people achieve their results, by studying individuals who excelled in their own fields.
They found that each of their subjects exhibited specific patterns of thinking, behaviour and response. These patterns, with their component elements form much of the basis of NLP. These patterns demonstrate how people achieve excellence in performance. They can be copied by others in order to replicate the achievements of high performers. This is the training part of NLP.
According to modern psychology our mind is what our brain does. In other words our brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. And our thoughts are the functional units of the mind. Repeated and reinforced thoughts sink deep into our subconscious mind and form our beliefs, values, responses, behavior, attitude and skill sets.
Our subconscious mind uses these patterns as a reference base for our actions, judgments and decision making. It motivates us, as per our patterns, to respond and behave in specific ways in different contexts. Some of these patterns help us to be successful and achieve excellence in life and work. Some others can pull us down and make our life miserable. ComPAS Now™ can pick up and measure these subconsciously controlled patterns through an online test.
No one is good at everything. No one is bad at everything. Everyone is good at something. Finding out that something is what matters for life and career ahead.
Patterns (neural pathways) are the base for the thoughts and the thoughts are responsible for the actions and the actions are responsible for the habits, attitudes, aptitudes and the skills & Competencies
These patterns are the base for the thoughts and the thoughts are responsible for the actions and the actions are responsible for the habits, attitudes, aptitudes and the skills & Competencies
ComPAS Now™ identifies these thought patterns and measures the skill set.
ComPAS Now™ Identify the left and right brain orientation of the student. Go deeper into the left brain and right brain characteristics to understand more about how a student uses the brain. A combination of the both is the best (thinking in stereo)
Everyone has got immense potential in him/her. Similarly different jobs need different potential or skill. The potential / skill in a person and the skill required in a job can be identified. When the potential /skill in a person is synchronized with the skills required in the job he is working on, s/he performs the best. As the Chinese proverb says “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”, one can be fully satisfied in the job and can produce the maximum output.
A person, as s/he grows from childhood, picks up information through different senses by hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting etc.. These information are stored in the brain and based on these information the person starts thinking. This thinking motivates a person for action and s/he does his/her action by the way s/he thinks. At times, when the same thinking repeats the same action repeats and that becomes his/her habit and attitude. The patterns are formed based on how each person thinks. The patterns are also inherited from the parents or grandparents through genes. The resultant thought patterns put together by the inherited patterns and developed patterns over the period of time controls the complete habits and attitudes of the person.
Some people are very active, most of the time and some people are very passive most of the time. Some people like to do the same thing again and again while some people like to do different things most of the time. Some people will always talk in brief whereas some others will talk in detail most of the time. Some people stay in the past, think about the past and talk about the past most of the time when others be in the present or in the future. These are all examples of different patterns in people. Since it originates from thoughts it is called “thought patterns” which are responsible for habits and attitudes.
A person who is active will eat fast, walk fast, act fast etc. Those are the people who will go and get the work done. They are the go-getters and not wait for others and has less patience. Because of the same skill, they will jump into actions without thinking much because they can’t wait. They get frustrated and get bored fast.
A person who is passive will eat slow, walk slow, act slow etc..Due to the same reason, s/he waits till the situation is ripe, very patient, will have extra cautious and will study the situation properly, good analyst, propose solutions and so forth.
From the above discussion, it is clear that, if you are looking for a person in a job which demands immediate action like fire fighting, rapid action force etc.., you may go for an “active” person. Just imagine what would happen if you appoint a “passive” person in such jobs. Similarly, there are jobs which involves, planning, information analysis, strategic communication etc., you may choose a person who is “passive”. Instead, if you select a person
who is very “active” as you have seen above, s/he will not be able to plan or analyze information and everything will be jeopardized.
However it is important to note that a single pattern or trait may not be good enough to do a job successfully. For e.g., a person who is “active” and with focus in the “present” can be very good in multi tasking where as a person who is “passive” with “future” orientation may be able to plan and propose solutions.
ComPAS Now™ can identify various patterns in people, combine them at various degree to form competencies (skills). These competencies are the building blocks of ComPAS Now™ with which job profiles can be created depending on what skills are required in a job and match the skills of the person against any job profile to do job-fit analysis.
About ComPAS Now
ComPAS Now™ is an online assessment tool trademarked and patented, which measures the competencies of people using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
ComPAS NowTM is a breakthrough 100% online job profiling and competency assessment software suite on the threshold of revolutionizing human resource management world-wide
ComPAS Now™ is in the market for the last 10 years doing services such as
- Emerging Strengths Analysis
- Behaviour Analysis
- Career Analysis for school students
- Competency mapping for MBA
- Competency mapping for Engineering
- Competency analysis of teachers (KTY – Know your Teachers)
- Job profile competency analysis for corporate employees
- Leadership styles analysis
ComPAS Now™ is authorized assessment partner with BSS (National Development agency, Govt. of India.